Healthcare Professionals, we have a new opportunity for you!

Are you a Healthcare Professional with an interest in communications? Are you ready to give back to the community with health education? Want to add a new skill to your repertoire?

If so, we think you'll love the Digital Media Certificate for Healthcare. It's a program designed specifically for those who want to learn how to monetize podcasting, writing, and video streaming. You'll learn how to become a trusted partner in your local healthcare community by sharing your expertise with your community through digital media channels like blogs and social media.

You'll also get connected with others who are interested in learning about digital media and building their own network of like minds. In addition to that, you'll get access to a curriculum filled with helpful tips on how to leverage skills and knowledge when it comes time for your application process.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start sharing your voice!


We know you're busy.

But we want to make sure you have the tools and resources to make a difference in your community. So we've created a new digital media certificate for nurses that will help you monetize podcasting, writing, and video streaming—and share your expertise with your community. You'll also learn how to become a trusted partner in your local healthcare community.

What's next?

3 Ways to Get Started with Us:

Enjoy our free 2 hour training

Join us at our next Virtual Event!

Earn your DIGITAL MEDIA COURSE and Become a Certified in Digital Media.

“The Color of Wellness Media” where you leverage and earn!


Engaging. Innovative. Equitable.


Dr. Noella C. West, APRN

With Media Nurse training, I have been able to :

  • Be selected as a panelist for the American Cancer Society- Breast Cancer Awareness Equity Event.

  • Selected to podcast with "Women in Trucking" to discuss the importance and HOW Women in the trucking industry can remain in the best of health.

  • Was chosen to speak on the "Inspiring Women Podcast" via National Radio Show Warm 106.9 Seattle. I was able toshed some light on certain health disparities for persons of color, and the underlying factors.

What Do You Stand to Gain When You Join The Certified Media Nurse Program?

  • You’ll discover how you can build a successful digital media business while leveraging the experience and support of other women like you.

  • Find a go-to home to connect, learn, and become laser-focused on your goals.

  • Monthly trainings that’ll transform you and your new brand.

  • Develop the skills and knowledge you need to overcome limitations, gain confidence and build your dream media business like I did.

Here's your chance to take visibility, press, and multi media positioning



  • On your own to figure out your own visibility plan?

  • No accountability or  Mentor to guide you through the fastest way to get seen and heard online?

  • Want ready-made programs that you can implement in your community?

  • Want to be seen as a valuable resource in your community?

  • Desire to make and impact and not sure where to start?


Empower Your Nursing Practice with Digital Media Mastery!

Discover the transformative power of digital storytelling in healthcare. Our comprehensive training program is meticulously crafted for nurses, providing you with the essential skills to create culturally sensitive digital stories, podcasts, and video content. Enhance patient understanding, engagement, and health equity across diverse populations.

Culturally Competent Digital Storytelling in Healthcare:

- Course 1: Introduction to Digital Storytelling

Dive into the world of digital storytelling and grasp its profound impact in healthcare. Learn to weave patient narratives with cultural competence and utilize various digital platforms to share these stories effectively.

- Course 2: Crafting Culturally Sensitive Stories

Master techniques for creating inclusive health narratives. Delve into the art of incorporating cultural nuances and sensitivity into your storytelling, supported by case studies and practical assignments.

- Course 3: Utilizing Digital Platforms

Explore and adapt stories to diverse digital formats, from blogs to social media and video channels. Learn strategies for engaging diverse patient groups with your digital stories.

Leveraging Podcasting for Health Equity:

- Course 4: Podcasting Basics

Get introduced to the essentials of healthcare podcasting, from setup to content creation, all while emphasizing cultural sensitivity and health literacy.

- Course 5: Monetizing Your Podcast

Unravel different monetization strategies for your podcast, including sponsorships and advertising techniques.

- Course 6: Podcasting and Distribution

Create, review, and distribute your pilot health podcast episode, learning effective promotion strategies to reach a broader audience.

Creating and Monetizing Video Content:

- Course 6: Introduction to Video Content Creation

Learn the basics of video content creation tailored for health education, focusing on audience understanding and content planning.

- Course 7: Light Design with Canva

Navigate through Canva for editing and graphics, and design visually appealing content for your digital marketing needs.

- Course 9: Monetizing Video Content

Explore various revenue streams for your video content and build a strong audience through social media engagement.

Beyond Training - Your Journey to Impact:

- Discover the importance of connecting with your local community first.

- Learn how to invest in health through prevention and wellness, saving time and money.

- Find your unique voice through a Health Equity lens and understand the timing of your brand in improving communication.

- Master monetization across written, audio, and video sectors of digital media.

Join us in revolutionizing healthcare communication. Empower your nursing career and amplify your impact through the mastery of digital media.

Enroll now and become a leader of health education, health literacy and health equity!

What's Included?

Meet with Executive Coach Michelle Greene Rhodes, MHS, RN

twice per month, along with a community of Digital Media Nurses.

-Q and A time twice monthly

-Daily Inspiration

-Free Access to all virtual events

-Discount to Annual Retreat

  • Module 1: Launch Your Media Brand

  • Module 2: Content that Showcases YOU

  • Module 3: Writing for Profit

  • Module 4: Podcasting 101

  • Module 5: Monetize Your Podcast

  • Module 6: Interviews/Time/Calendars

  • Module 7: Speak UP!

  • Module 8: Video Creation

  • Module 9: Build Your Channel

  • Month 10: Market Your Business

  • Month 11: Pitch Yourself

  • Month 12: Get Your Tribe on Board

Also Included

  • Digitial Media Certificate at completion through The Color of Wellness Media

  • Color of Wellness Brand Ambassador that Allows Unique Opportunities to Leverage AND Monetize our Brand

  • How to Monetize with The Color of Wellness as a partner

  • Annual Retreat invite

I Knew that I was DESTINED to do THIS!

Ivette Palomeque, BSN, RN

Thank you Michelle for sharing the blueprint!As one that was always educating and sharing the wellness lifestyle everywhere I went, I wanted to go bigger with the help of media. Working with Michelle has allowed me to be PREPARED for opportunities both online and across the nation.Who knew that I would:

Become an Executive Contributor in "The Color of Wellness Magazine".

(and my issue was featured at the OWN HAIR TAILES Movie launch in Miami, Florida!)

Get PAID to teach on a Podcast.

Land 2 Training contracts for Stress Management workshops for Next Door MKE educators.